Everyone has a desire to get into their dream job. There are macro situations that do not help many to get the job they desire for. On the other side, there are peoples who get into the jobs which they dream of.
Is it not a wonder why this happens to only a few people and why not for others?

It is necessary to know what makes the difference. There is no secret sauce to getting your dream job. However, there are certain things which you shouldn’t do to achieve your dream job.
Hence in this article, we are listing, 7 reasons why you are not getting your dream job.
7 Reasons Why You Are Not Getting Your Dream Job
1. Complaining

Complaining about anything and everything is a rocking chair that seems very comfortable and does not lead anywhere. Whether one may be going through really serious difficulties, however, from the space of protesting they find nothing.
So, it is a habit that is to be dropped and try to move to create new opportunities around instead of complaining.
One must take 100% responsibility for everything that happens in their life and as a result, it will begin to change step by step.
2. Being Outdated

If one doesn’t keep up with the basics like technology, they are not going to get a job since the supply exceeds the demand for positions. In order to stand out of the crowd, one must stay updated with the changes around him.
In this competitive market, everyone has to stay updated in their necessary fields to succeed. Everyone has to learn complementary skills including multigenerational communication skills.
3. Not Living In Passion

There are peoples whose passion was extinguished by the outcome of those unfortunate circumstances in life and coiled into something that one doesn’t like doing.
To stay motivated it is necessary to get reconnected with the thing one is passionate about.
Beyond the evolution of the daily changing world, there will always be some space for a personal touch. You should not deviate from their goals when you really want to achieve them.
Passion towards the things you do, should be the only force that bound your work. So, be passionate about the things you do.
4. Way Of Thinking

It is a fact that our thoughts are the most powerful force unique to everyone. What one thinks about the whole day is what they become. If one can’t master their thoughts they won’t get into any success in life or even get a satisfying job
One has to work on and remove the negative things from themselves, and bring a positive state of mind. One has to stand on their strengths and not on their weakness to conquer what they want.
5. Victimizing All The Time

Always blaming others will not bring the solution they are looking for. And it represents low self-esteem which is based on comparing with others.
One has to try to come out of that victim position to make the leap.
Everyone has the energy to change things positively instead of standing in the same place and play victim card complaining about things. Use those positive energies within yourself to come out of any worst life situations you might have.
6. Losing Confidence

Trust is the basis of personal esteem. One has to see the world with collaborative eyes where they seek and persist in getting the space for expression. If they have devalued self-confidence then they have to start to win it back with small actions.
Always it is necessary to work with positive affirmations towards the goals and be flexible to changes around them.
When it comes to being employable confidence plays a crucial role in the initial interview phase itself.
When you are out from the interview process due to a lack of confidence, then the chance of getting the job you desire is very low.
7. Afraid To Change

A vast majority of peoples think small, they cannot imagine themselves doing a variety of things that the world need today.
Thinking this way doesn’t build the path one wants, because this planet is changing faster and faster, and soon most jobs could be replaced by robots.
If one always did the same thing in the same old way, assume that change is the only way leading you out of your current job.
If you need to stay in the job or want career growth, you need to embrace change and move along with the wave.