Everyone has bad habits like procrastination, delaying, or gossiping. These negative behaviors don’t necessarily make a person bad. However, as an employee, these habits can make a very bad impression on your boss in the workplace.
No one wants to deal with an unpleasant employee. Learning to identify and avoid these habits will make a successful employee.
In this article, we are listing 5 unprofessional habits at the workplace that will get you fired by your boss.
Realize those unprofessional habits that will make your boss fire you. And try to become a more positive, vibrant, and valuable person for the company.

Unprofessional Habits At Work That Will Get You Fired
1. Procrastination

This is a habit that can do serious harm in the workplace. It is the expectation of every boss to have an employee who could finish all his jobs within the given time limit.
They expect their employees to value their time and look like a pro.
Taking too much time to finish a job and other responsibilities leads to a misunderstanding that the person is not committed to what he/she is doing.
Finishing a job very late can also be constructed as inconsideration, arrogance, or rudeness which is pretty bad. And this may result in dismissal.
2. Negativity

Although it is not possible to say ‘Yes’ to everything, giving a constant negative response to the suggestions or recommendations of the work team can be interpreted as a lack of cooperation and is the most common cause of dismissal.
Complaining too much about the work environment or the colleagues is also not a good thing as constant complaints seem unprofessional.
Keeping a negative employee at the office is the worst condition which ruins the workplace environment as well as the work itself.
A negative employee is considered as cancer by the management, And they would want to remove such employees at a certain point.
3. Lack Of Attention

Lack of attention is a habit that any boss would hate to have, especially if the employees have such habits. A good listener will always be a good performer.
Non-compliance with culture and maladjustment can create tension, such employees are been less desirable in workplaces.
And one should avoid behaving in a way that distracts co-workers and makes the environment uncomfortable. Every employer wants their employees to be more attentive and concentrate on their work, failing to do so, can result in the termination of the job.
4. Social Network Addiction

Another unprofessional habit at the workplace that will get you fired is the habitual obsession many employees have with social media.
Making personal calls all day is one of the most penalized habits in the workplace. It is one of the most common reasons for getting fired from jobs.
Talking or texting personally during business hours is unprofessional and could be against company policy. When it interferes with work performance, it becomes a huge problem.
The more distance one maintains from online social networking during work hours, the more harmonious the coexistence will be.
5. Lack Of Manners

Keeping good manners is the most important quality which we learned when we were very little. If someone wants to give the impression that the job really matters to him, their code of conduct, hygiene, and personal appearance is of utmost importance.
Something that doesn’t look neat, conveys disinterest and laziness. Some behaviors like disorganization, wasting time, and talking too much can make a worker extremely inefficient.
In the workplace, everyone must take self-assessment and the colleagues must be asked to give feedback which should be taken into account seriously.
This will result in a more successful company with positive and vibrant employees.
If you doubt having any of these habits in your workplace, it’s not too late to make changes to those unprofessional habits.
It is important to maintain a professional code of conduct and habit in the workplace in order to maintain a good relationship with coworkers and employers.
If you don’t behave well the employers won’t take you seriously. If they find you annoying and you are not acting professionally in the workplace, then they might no longer want to work with you in the future.